Services For Your Family

  • Comprehensive Financial Planning: This service provides data-driven answers to just about any financial question. Through the process, we analyze a client’s current financial position from every angel and look for potential risks and then seek to cover that risk with trusted solutions. In the end, a client has the confidence that they are on a strong path to achieving their financial goals.
  • Cash Flow and Debt Reduction Planning: Through the financial planning process, we help clients to see exactly where their money is going and then make adjustments (if needed). Whether it is saving more, reducing debt (or both), this creates a plan for every dollar so nothing is wasted.
  • Insurance Services: We review and discuss life, property and casualty, long-term care, and disability insurance with clients to make sure they have the proper coverage in place.
  • Tax Strategies: We seek to help clients mitigate their tax positions using trusted tax strategies that will be beneficial now, and into the future.
  • Estate Discussions: We review estate documents and discuss our clients’ estates to make sure it is set up properly and in the way that will benefit their family the most.
  • Fee based, discretionary asset management: We are at the top level of the fiduciary standard and manage assets on a fee-based, discretionary platform. This means we simply do what is best for our clients on a daily basis by creating and implementing custom portfolios to manage their assets. There’s no trading fees, ever.